World Orthodontics Day
In addition to achieving more aesthetic smiles, orthodontic treatments solve functional problems of the mouth.
The World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) has set May 15 as World Orthodontic Health Day, an excellent time to remember the many health benefits of orthodontics and highlight the importance of close collaboration between orthodontists and periodontists.
Orthodontics prevents and corrects alterations in the development, the shape of the dental arches, and the position of the jaws to restore the morphological and functional balance of the mouth and face, improving facial aesthetics.
It is, therefore, a treatment that facilitates a good fit of the teeth to improve function so that when chewing better, there is also less risk of suffering digestive problems. In addition, a good fit keeps the teeth in better condition (protruding teeth are more likely to suffer fractures and knocks, and if they are poorly aligned, there is usually incorrect wear and tear...) and avoids the many problems caused by malocclusion (which can lead to headaches, neck, ear, jaw and back pain).
In some cases, it can also help avoid speech problems because poorly positioned teeth can create difficulties pronouncing certain sounds.
Periodontal benefits
On the other hand, poorly aligned teeth make oral hygiene more difficult because when teeth are crowded, it is more difficult to brush them correctly, they have a greater tendency to trap food debris, and it is more difficult to access dental floss, which favors the proliferation of bacteria, the appearance of caries and gum problems (from gingivitis to periodontal disease).
This is why orthodontics has become an excellent ally for good gum health, which is the source of numerous health problems and increases the impact of systemic inflammation. In addition, patients with a greater tendency to suffer from periodontal issues improve their situation after undergoing orthodontic treatment.
Given this reality, there are many occasions when orthodontists and periodontists must work together hand in hand. Thus, for example, when periodontal disease progresses, and some teeth are lost, it is necessary to reorganize the positioning of some teeth using orthodontics to restore the lost teeth using prostheses.
Periodontal treatment before orthodontics may also be necessary due to the existence of a poorly positioned frenulum that impedes tooth movement, or due to gum recessions that make gum treatment necessary, as well as when molars have been lost (dental pieces used as support for orthodontic treatment and which, since they do not exist, make it necessary to place temporary mini-implants that serve as a base/support for orthodontic treatment). Therefore, in the presence of periodontitis and the indication for orthodontics, before starting this treatment, the patient must undergo periodontal therapy and maintain optimum levels of oral hygiene, something that must be taken to extremes when your teeth support orthodontics.