Dental Health
Healthy teeth, healthy living.
A healthy and functional dentition is vital in all phases of life by enabling essential human functions such as speech, language, smiling, socializing, or eating. In addition, the teeth help give the face its individual shape. The Normal dentition includes 20 primary teeth, which will be replaced by 32 permanent teeth. The tooth eruption starts when the baby is 6-10 months old and usually begins with the lower incisors, at the age of 2 and a half, all teething.
The primary school has been completed. Healthy primary teeth allow space to be maintained for permanent successors who are developing in the underlying bone. The premature loss of primary teeth due to caries or trauma often results in a loss of space for successors and can lead to a lot of trouble in permanent dentition.
At age 6, the lower permanent incisors and the first permanent molars. The transition period from the primary to the permanent dentition develops typically between the ages of 6 and 12. Ideally, at 21 years of age, the 32 permanent teeth have erupted.
Over the life of the teeth and tissues oral, these are exposed to many environmental factors that may cause pathology or even tooth loss. Caries and periodontal diseases are the most common oral pathologies despite being largely preventable. Appropriate self-care and professional care, combined with a lifestyle avoiding risks such as excessive consumption of sugars or tobacco, allow maintaining a functional dentition throughout life.
The development of the dentition
- Age: 6 months Beginning of the eruption
- Age: 2.5 years old All of the upper and lower primary teeth have erupted
- Age: 6 years old Permanent teeth begin to erupt
- Age: 12 years old Most permanent teeth have erupted.
- Age: 21 years old The third molars (wisdom teeth) are the last to erupt.
Cleaning can begin with the first tooth eruption. Bottles with sugary drinks or fruit juices can cause early decay, so it is best to use water.
Children can start supervised brushing twice daily with a small amount of fluoride paste (pea or pea size). Dental check-ups can begin in the early stages.
Establish good dietary habits, limiting the amount and frequency of sugar intake.
Develop a lifelong healthy habit at least twice a day with fluoride paste.
Begin using mouth guards for high-risk sports.
Avoid sweets, tobacco, and alcohol.
Proper oral hygiene and good healthy habits, along with regular check-ups, help prevent cavities and periodontal disease.
Pregnant women require specific oral care.
A dry mouth results from decreased saliva production and can increase the disease risk.
The periodic reviews can help maintain a healthy mouth and a good quality of life.