Cleaning the tongue is important
Avoid bad breath and health problems.
Avoid bad breath
Years ago, the importance of brushing teeth was unknown, and no one did. Today, things have changed, and it's strange not to brush after every meal. The tongue is different because the need to clean it often continues to be forgotten, despite being fundamental to maintaining proper oral hygiene and health. Without it, we would be unable to carry out such essential actions as talking, chewing, swallowing, or savoring food. It has an enormous diversity of muscles, allowing us excellent mobility. In addition, it will enable tactile detection of many surfaces and has essential blood vessels and nerves; the salivary glands are at the base of the tongue, called the lingual floor. In addition, it is lined with thousands of papillae, the filiform giving that velvety appearance, and the taste, divided into many types, provides us with a sense of taste. An irregular surface, the tongue's surface has both reliefs and cracks. It is very uneven. These nooks and crannies cause the accumulation of remains of food and bacteria that can generate caries or periodontal diseases.
For this reason, it is essential to clean the tongue properly. In doing so, we will notice more flavors, and we will benefit the health of the mouth, reducing the chances of having bad breath. The tongue, which must have an Aterciopelados and pink aspect, can reflect the patient's state of health. It should not be whitish nor smooth since it would be an inflamed tongue. In addition, if it has a yellowish or brown aspect, it is usually due to a lack of cleanliness, but it can also reflect some pathology or problem. Therefore, Dental Office is advised to consult the dentist to maintain good hygiene and find changes in the appearance of our tongue. Recommendations Clean it every day, at least twice. The ideal utensil is the tongue scraper, although we can also use a toothbrush (in the case of the latter should not be the one we use to brush our teeth). Pull out the tongue as far as we can, support the appliance on the back of the language and press it lightly, sliding it from the back to the tip. Use toothpaste, water, or mouthwash. We recommend that you consult your local dentist about which toothpaste to use.