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Oral Candidiasis

Candidiasis, what is it, and what does it cause?

Oral Candidiasis

Oral candidiasis is an infection caused by the fungus candida Albicans. The organism, which is naturally present in the human body, can manifest itself in candidiasis if it develops in excess and we cannot fight it.

In infants and older people, it is widespread because their immune system is not yet strong enough (in the case of infants) or has weakened with age, which facilitates the proliferation of the fungus (in older adults).

In addition, some people get it after taking some medications such as antibiotics or inhaled corticosteroids that produce an imbalance in their body that makes them more prone to get the infection.

What are its symptoms?

Commonly known as thrush, oral candidiasis usually appears as whitish plaques on the tongue or inside the cheeks, even affecting the upper part of the mouth, gums, tonsils, or back of the throat.

Preventive measures

Although it is not contagious, it requires some measures to be taken, especially in the case of young people and adults.

    Clean and sterilize bottle nipples and pacifiers.
    If dentures are used, it is essential to clean the mouth and dentures every night and disinfect them with a specific cleanser.
    Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly.

Is there a treatment?

Although in the case of babies, it is not usually necessary to follow any treatment since it heals by itself in a few weeks, in young people and adults, it is generally recommended the application at home of antifungals in the form of gel, liquid, or mouthwash for at least two weeks.

In addition, if the infection has been caused by a prolonged intake of antibiotics, it is advisable to take yogurt or preparations containing lactobacillus to restore the bacterial flora.

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