Dental offices warn children may have cavities even if they don't eat candy
The Work of a Pediatric Dentist Doesn't Stop.
Dental caries is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in children.
Everyone knows that sugar causes cavities.
The consumption of fermentable carbohydrates and not having a sufficient supply of fluoride will favor the appearance of caries. In young children, hygiene and the use of fluoride are usually not adequate, which is why dietary habits become more important. The care should begin during pregnancy and then in the newborn, which is the most appropriate preventive strategy against tooth decay.
Due to the above, sometimes it arrives late, and the cavity is already in an advanced stage. Therefore, to mitigate its evolution and affections derived from it, filling a baby tooth is as necessary as a definitive one. Pediatric Dentist specializes in this type of treatment for children of different ages.
As for maternal milk, by itself, it is not cariogenic. Nevertheless, various studies have demonstrated that it is associated with early caries in combination with other carbohydrates or administered with great frequency or to demand. It is not a question of eliminating lactation but of increasing hygiene (in children under 1 year of age, it is recommended to use a dry gauze to remove excess food). They also suggest avoiding the bottle with juice or carbohydrates, although it can be used with water as a soothing rather than nutritious.
The consistency of the food is also an important factor since the time it is attached to the tooth will increase or not the susceptibility to tooth decay. Hard foods (apples, carrots) perform a dragging task and help, along with saliva, to eliminate sticky debris. It is not the same to eat a doughnut and then a handful of nuts, which drag the sugars, then the other way around. The more sticky, the more time spent in contact with the teeth (dissected plums, figs, raisins, bread, potatoes). Liquids (carbonated drinks, fruit juices, etc.) get between the teeth and attack these areas. It is also suggested to treat the disease from a preventive point of view, going through the child's education, not accustoming them from a very young age to such sweet tastes.
Equally important is the frequency of consumption of these foods and the ingestion between meals. It is not the same thing that the attack of the bacteria occurs three times a day 10. These begin to act 20 minutes after having eaten, and the buccal pH decreases because the mouth is a more acid medium and harmful to the teeth. It will be essential to avoid snacking between meals to prevent this drop in pH. Sugar-free chewing gum with caloric sweeteners stimulates saliva, so it is recommended after meals when brushing is not possible. Chewing gums incorporate calcium, phosphate, fluoride (beneficial components for teeth), and xylitol, an anti-caries and antimicrobial sweetener. "Ideally, our children's brushing should become a necessary habit for a healthy mouth and be supervised until 8.
For a non-cariogenic diet, foods with fatty contents are recommended, as they prevent the adherence of sugars to the teeth; proteins; calcium and phosphorus, which contain the demineralization of the tooth (sardines, nuts, almonds, pistachios, cheese); and fluoride (lentils, rice, asparagus, tomato, radish). The key to a good diet for dental health is not to do without some foods but to know when to eat them and do so correctly.
Regarding when children should be taken to the dentist, from Dental Office recommends that it is before their first birthday and keep in mind that going to the dentist does not mean having to perform treatment; it is to prevent possible damage and advice on how to identify good and bad habits.
The management of a child dental patient differs from that of an adult. Therefore, the psychology in the treatment is a differential factor and is essential in the case of children.