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How many teeth do children have and at what age do they fall out?

All you want to ask the dental pediatrician.

How many teeth do children

Dental information about our children

Today I'm going to write about a topic that is widespread to talk about in consultation, especially with mothers in infancy or adolescence. I'll talk a little about the sequence 
of appearance of teeth in the mouth, better known as this topic in the medical field as the chronology 
of the dental eruption. I hope it is to your liking and interest; welcome to the world of orthodontics. We start from the fact that there are two groups of teeth 
On one side are the permanent teeth and Adult teeth. On the other hand are the children's teeth.
The total number of permanent teeth is 32, 8 on each side, And the children's teeth are 20 in total, 10 
up 10 down 5 on each side. Okay, The first tooth to erupt generally in the infantile dentition is the lower incisor approximately at about 6 months old, age And the last erupting is the second molar 
Between that time, the rest of the other baby teeth erupt. 
How long do these children's teeth last in the mouth? approximately a period of 6 to 6 years
12 years old the first tooth to be exfoliated or that is exchanged for adult teeth are the incisors, and so on in the lower arch; the incisors usually are always the incisors. 
First to fall, and molars are the last to be replaced. 
Okay, now here's something that seems to me to be of the utmost importance. 
Often, potatoes wait and assume that an infant's tooth has mobility, loosens, falls out, and erupts the permanent tooth. This is true to a certain extent, but there are 
permanent teeth that do not need to change or replace children's teeth and this 
is the particular case of the first molar because, as you can see, this permanent tooth 
grows behind the last child's tooth than in many cases, neither the child nor the 
the parents realize that there is already an adult tooth in the mouth 
without any of the children's teeth have fallen out or been replaced. 
This usually happens at 6, so this molar or this tooth is known as the 6-year-old molar in both upper and lower teeth.
Then this becomes even more important when the child has hygiene problems
When you have very deep advanced cavities, and this tooth may have been affected at a very early age many times, potatoes assume erroneously that, like child's teeth, they are going to fall out because they don't need much care, But this is an entirely incorrect perception in my opinion. 
Given that a premature loss of one of those teeth will also bring problems in the eruption 
or in the development of a permanent tooth in the future 
One thing that tends to happen very commonly in the office is that the mother arrives worried that her son will not have a tooth knocked out and that her neighbor's daughter will have 3 teeth. I can tell you, mom dad, that you do not worry about that. Here is not to see who falls first teeth 
what I recommend in exchange is what checks with a little more detail the chronology of eruption and especially those teeth that will erupt in the age your child currently has. Other information you might find helpful 
is that in the girls, the dental refill is a little more accelerated than in the boys. Okay, also you could be beneficial is that the teeth of the same type from opposite sides erupt at about the same time; for example, a central right incisor erupts practically the same as its homonym on the left side, so if your time that a tooth already low and the companion so to speak has not gone down for a period greater than 4 months there if we could to be contemplating a possible cause for which that tooth has not come out. I hope you find this guide we offer here at Dental Office useful.
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